Woodstock Minnetonka Boot

Where to buy the Woodstock Minnetonka Boot for women - compare selection and prices from the top merchants who offer this boot, get free shipping and returns:

Minnetonka Woodstock Boot in TanAbout the Woodstock Minnetonka Boot for Women:

The Minnetonka women's Woodstock Boot is based on a classic moccasin style, with a bit of "funky" mixed in.  There are beads and fringe and... well, you get the picture.

These are some very cool boots.  =)

Colors:  These boots are available in Black, Brown, Dusty Brown and Tan (shown in left photo).

Style:  Rock and Roll overall style, soft suede upper with tassels, beads and fringe.  (Basically, this boot rocks.)

Dimensions:  9 inch shaft height, 15 inch shaft circumference (based on a size 6)

Reviews Info:

I love those boots! They are perfect! I get a lot of compliments about them. They are very comfortable, like slippers! I was kind of nervous before I get them, because of if they would not fit, or whatever. But they are absolutely perfect... Click here for multiple reviews for this boot.

Tramper Minnetonka Boot

Where to buy the Tramper Minnetonka Boot for women - compare selection and prices from top merchants who offer this boot, get free shipping and free returns:

Minnetonka Tramper Boot in TanAbout the Tramper Minnetonka Boot for Women:

The Minnetonka Tramper is one of the classic styles for women (men too) from Minnetonka.  It has a timeless moccasin style with an earthy, comfy look and feel - set off with long fringe dangling from the shaft.

Colors:  This boot is available in Tan (shown in photo left), Black, Brown, Dusty Brown and Grey.

Style:  Suede upper, leather lacing, ankle height. This boot also features a padded insole to absorb shocks and a lightweight crepe outsole for easy wear and traction. 

Reviews information:  I have a difficult time finding comfortable shoes. Mostly, I wear running shoes, but these mocs are so nice. They have the textured sole and are very comfortable and I've gotten compliments on how cute they are... Click here for multiple reviews for this boot.

Minnetonka Ankle Boot

Where to buy Minnetonka Ankle Boot Styles - Compare selection and prices from the top merchants who carry these boots, get free shipping and returns:

Minnetonka Hi Top Back Zip Ankle BootAbout the Minnetonka Ankle Boot Styles for Women:

There are quite a few different ankle style (ankle height) boots for women from Minnetonka.  Of all the styles, here are the ones that we recommend the most (and are also the ones that are the most popular in sales):
  • Minnetonka Tramper Ankle Boot - The Tramper is one of the hottest sellers from the Minnetonka collection (if not the hottest seller).  This boot has a bit above the ankle height with long fringe coming from the top of the boot shaft.  
  • Minnetonka Hi Top Back Zip Ankle Boot (shown in left photo) - Here is a gorgeous style, one of our favorites here in the entire collection.  The little "extras" are what set this one apart from the rest.
  • Minnetonka Suede Ankle Boot - This is also a cute style moccasin, with more of a "shoe" style than the others.  Zig zag edging and contrasting stitching sets this boot apart without being "too too". 
  • *The* Minnetonka Ankle Boot - This is actually named "Ankle Boot" and can function as both a warm and comfy house slipper or be worn with the shaft up for a "go anywhere" style of boot.  This one is quite popular as well, and based on the study of consumer reviews, this boot is actually worn more at home than anywhere else.
Favorite style:  Our favorite style among this bunch is the Hi Top Back Zip Ankle Boot - love the style of this one.

Shopping:  All of the styles listed just above should be easily found in the merchant listings on this page.  Our favorite resources for these boots include Zappos (best selection), Shoebuy and Endless.

Minnetonka Front Lace Boot

Where to buy the Minnetonka Front Lace Boot for women - compare selection and prices from top merchants who carry these boots, get free shipping and returns:

Front Lace Minnetonka Women's BootsAbout the Minnetonka Front Lace Boot:

For those ladies who like a loooooong look with a gorgeous moccasin style, the Minnetonka Front Lace is a great choice.  Note:  This boot might not be the best choice for ladies who are quite petite or for ladies with wider calves.

Available colors for this boot:  Tan, Dusty Brown, Brown, Black

Style:  Soft suede leather upper, cushioned insole, classic style moccasin boot.

Dimensions:  16 inch shaft height, 13 inch circumference.

Review Info:

"These are fabulous! I had some blistering on the back of my ankle after the 1st wearing, but once I broke them in they are very comfortable..."  Click here to read all reviews @ Zappos.com

Minnetonka Suede Boots

Where to buy Minnetonka Suede Boots - Compare prices and selection from the top merchants online for these boots, get free shipping and returns:

Minnetonka Woodstock Suede BootsAbout Minnetonka Suede Boots for Women:

Which women's boots from Minnetonka are available in suede?  Well, quite a lot of them.

Here are the best selling boots that fall into the "suede" category:
  • Tramper - A Classic.
  • Woodstock (shown left)
  • Layered Suede Boots - This includes the 3 Layer and the 5 Layer versions.  Both are gorgeous.
  • Minnetonka Front Lace - This is a tall, long boot and is extremely stylish.  As the name implies, there is lacing all the way up the front of the boot.
Our favorite:  The Woodstock - lovin' the beads and the fringe on this boot.   Comfortable, and very, very cool.

Shopping:  Our favorite resources for this boot are shown above in the merchant listings.  They include Shoebuy (probably the best selection), Zappos and Endless.  It is a good idea to check over the listings carefully - sometimes there are prices marked down lower when comparing them in style from merchant to merchant.

Minnetonka Pug Boots

Where to buy Minnetonka Pug Boots for women - Compare prices and selection from top merchants, get free shipping and returns:

Minnetonka Pug - Classic Boot Style 9 InchAbout Minnetonka Pug Boots for Women:

Personal opinion:  We just about can't say enough about the Pug Boots from Minnetonka.  Their quality is outstanding and their comfort is - well, it's yummy.  =)

Style breakdown:  When it comes down to it, there are actually 4 different styles of Pug boots for women from Minnetonka:
  1. Sheepskin Pug 9"
  2. Sheepskin Pug 14"
  3. Classic Sheepskin Pug 9"
  4. Classic Sheepskin Pug 14"
 The difference between the "Sheepskin" and the "Classic Sheepskin"?  If you look at the photo on the left, you will see the "Sheepskin" version in a 14" height.  They have a reinforcing strip on the front of the boot, where the "Classic" version has a smooth upper about the foot area.  The Classic version also boasts some highlights on the inner sheepskin, giving it a bit of an added look.

Our favorite:  The Classic 9" boot.  Very very comfortable, and quite well made.  Well worth the money - and they generally cost less than other more popular brands (even though they are known to have a better build and a stylin' look).

Shopping:  Our shopping recommendations for the Minnetonka Pug boots include the merchant listings above - Shoebuy.com (our favorite), Shoes.com and Zappos.  All provide free ship and returns and competitive pricing.  (Check all listings to find any markdown prices that might be available.)

Minnetonka Zipper Boot

Where to buy Minnetonka Zipper Boot styles for women - Compare prices from the best online resources, get free shipping and returns:

Minnetonka Zipper - Hi Top Back Zip BootAbout Minnetonka Zipper Boot Styles for Women:

The "Zipper" styles of boots from Minnetonka are not only functional for "easy on easy off", they are also "functional" for adding a bit more to their looks.

Here are the styles of the Minnetonka Zipper Boots that we recommend:
  • Minnetonka Hi Top Back Zip (shown left) - These boots are truly stylin'.  Available in a few different earth-bound colors.
  • Minnetonka Back Zipper Boot - This is a bit of a simpler style - known to be very comfortable and very down to earth.
Our favorite:  You might have already guessed from our writing, but the Hi Top Back Zip is definitely our favorite in the "Zipper" bunch.  They have a great look and tend to stand out among the rest.

Shopping:  Our recommended resources for the Minnetonka Zipper Boot styles include Zappos, Shoebuy and Shoes.com.  See listings above for current details on pricing and selection.  All resources provide free shipping and free returns.

Sheepskin Minnetonka Boots

Where to buy Sheepskin Minnetonka Boots - compare prices and selection from top merchants - get free shipping and returns:

Sheepskin Minnetonka Classic Pug BootsAbout Sheepskin Minnetonka Boots for Women:

What styles of boots from Minnetonka come in sheepskin?
  • Classic Minnetonka Pug (9")
  • Classic Minnetonka Pug (Tall - 14")
  • Sheepskin Side Zip (a new one we just spotted)
  • Ankle Boot/Slipper (nice for wearing in or out of the house)
Favorite:  Well, since we own some of these, we are definitely a bit biased on a favorite.  The Classic 9" pug is extremely comfortable and goes with everything.  These are known to be more durable and better made than boots from UGG.

Shopping Information:  The merchants that we chose for these boots include Shoebuy, Endless and Zappos.  The selection from these three merchants is exceptional, the prices are competitive and all three offer free shipping and free returns.

    Fringe Minnetonka Boots

    Where to buy Fringe Minnetonka Boots for Women - Compare prices and selection, get free shipping and returns:

    3 Layer Fringe Minnetonka Boots for WomenAbout Fringe Minnetonka Boots for Women:

    Yes, there are multiple Minnetonka boots for women with fringe - here are the highlights...
    • Tramper - This is likely the hottest selling Minnetonka boot - it's a classic.
    • Hi Top Back Zip - Another popular women's style - very earthy, very comfortable and stylin'.
    • The "Layers"! - There are 3 layered (shown left) and 5 layered fringe women's Minnetonka boots - pretty nifty, very stylish.
    • Woodstock - another very hot seller.  This boot has a sort of a "hip" look to it, having fringe and beads - coming up to about mid-calf.
    • Front Lace - Long, tall boot graced with fringe hanging down from the top of the boot shaft.
    Our favorite:  It's hard to pick, so we will give a couple.  Both the 3 layer and the Woodstock are real favorites of ours.

    Shopping info:  The shopping above on the page is the best overall that we have found for the Fringe Minnetonka boots for women - some great selections, and you can compare prices from multiple merchant listings right from a single page.  (Prices for each boot will vary both by style and by merchant.)